Research and Innovation
Dating back to even before the publication of the Hazen-Williams Hydraulic Tables, Allen Hazen developed many innovative practices that advanced protection of public health and the environment. Our commitment to continual advancement of the science of water engineering continues to this day, drawing many of the industry's top experts to careers at Hazen and providing our clients the benefit of the most comprehensive and forward-looking solutions to their water challenges.
Working with the Water Research Foundation, the WateReuse Research Foundation, AWWA, prominent universities, clients, and industry partners, Hazen and Sawyer continually conducts and sponsors innovative research that links the latest technical thinking to the needs of the industry. The results can be seen in the industry-leading solutions and lasting benefits we've delivered for our clients and the communities they serve.

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They're difficult to detect, difficult to eradicate, and increasingly difficult to ignore. Here’s what every water and wastewater manager needs to understand about microplastics.