Our Water. Our Future. The Plant City Story.
Drought, growth, aging infrastructure, emerging contaminants, new regulations. Municipalities are faced with increasingly complex water challenges, changing the way we manage water resources to support future generations.
Watch how one growing Florida community explores ways to expand water supply through beneficial reuse. Advanced treatment technologies enable one innovative solution that addresses drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater needs.
Integrated Solutions That Make an Impact
Helping communities like Plant City find the integrated solution that simultaneously addresses multiple challenges is extremely rewarding. Check out these other stories of projects that will change the course of a community’s water future:

An innovative reuse program to replenish eastern Virginia’s groundwater system, reduce nutrient loading to the Chesapeake Bay, and support the continued growth of the region.

A massive upgrade of California’s Union Sanitary District repairs aging infrastructure, improves treatment capacity, and prepares for future nutrient limitations.

A new MBR system helps a South Carolina community support growth, prepare for pending regulations, and even consider potable reuse of the high-quality effluent if needed.