Forest View Green Alleyway Ribbon Cutting

Click the image above for a video of the ceremony, which included a ceremonial water pour to test the new permeable pavement.

Green infrastructure improvements to three existing alleyways will promote infiltration, groundwater recharge, reduction of stormwater pollutants, and reduce runoff volumes and peak flow-rates during rain events.
(RICHMOND, VA - June 14, 2021) - Richmond's mayor Levar Stoney and other local dignitaries recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Forest View Green Alleyway project.
In order to mitigate some of the historic issues and improve conditions in the City of Richmond’s Forest View Neighborhood, Hazen designed green infrastructure improvements to three existing alleyways to promote infiltration, groundwater recharge, reduction of stormwater pollutants, and to reduce runoff volumes and peak flow-rates during rain events using permeable pavers to replace the existing impervious alley surfaces. Almost 1,300 linear feet of alleyway were replaced.
Our work includes design and engineering services to provide bidding documents for the City’s use in assigning the work to one of the City’s on-call contractors.