Raleigh Bioenergy Recovery Project Offers Several Benefits to Community

Learn more about the BRP program and its benefits.
(RALEIGH, NC - October 16, 2017) - Hazen and Sawyer is partnering with the City of Raleigh (NC) on the Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) Bioenergy Recovery Project.
The Bioenergy Recovery Project (BRP) involves the conversion of biosolids processing at the Neuse River RRF from Class B aerobic digestion and liquid land application, Class A alkaline stabilization and offsite composting to an all Class A final product produced through thermal hydrolysis pretreatment (THP) and mesophilic anaerobic digestion.
Benefits of the Bioenergy Recovery Project include green energy production, with biogas being cleaned, converted to renewable natural gas, and used in the City’s bus fleet or sold to a third party for revenue. The BRP will also produce high-quality, low-odor Class A biosolids products which can be readily marketed and distributed for beneficial uses. Implementing fats, oils, and grease collection at NRRRF will reduce clogs in sewers and sewage spills, boost gas production in the anaerobic digesters, and generate revenue from FOG tipping fees. Implementing sidestream deammonification will reduce the energy and eliminate the supplemental carbon used to treat the stronger ammonia load generated during digestion.
Construction is scheduled 2018 through 2021. Project partners include Black and Veatch and Crowder Construction.
For more information, review our BRP infographic or email Alan Stone.