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New York, NY 10018

(212) 539-7000

Operations Support at Scottsdale Water Campus Advanced Water Treatment Facility

Hazen provided operations support including process performance troubleshooting and procurement assistance for large diameter reverse osmosis membranes, developing clean-in-place standard operating procedures, procurement and acceptance testing of new antiscalant, and evaluation for rehabilitation or replacement of pretreatment strainers.

Project Outcomes and Benefits

  • Deliverable output for large diameter reverse osmosis performance evaluation and troubleshooting was a report on all findings and recommendations.
  • Subsequently, Hazen was contracted to assist with implementing the recommended actions, including procurement of new membranes and standard operating procedure development.
  • Hazen was also contracted to assist with strainer evaluation for rehabilitation or replacement and antiscalant procurement and acceptance testing.
Troy Walker, MIE (Aust)

Comprehensive Operations Support

After our initial evaluation, we assisted with implementing our recommendations.