Program Management for Islamorada Wastewater System Improvements
The Village of Islamorada, located in the Florida Keys and spanning 18 miles in length, is comprised of four main islands. Legislation passed in 1999 mandated higher wastewater treatment standards throughout the Florida Keys, including onsite wastewater systems, for the purpose of improving near-shore water quality. From 2008 through 2010, Hazen and Sawyer served as Program Manager for the implementation of Islamorada’s Wastewater Master Plan.
Project Outcomes and Benefits
- Responsible for development and implementation of overall 5-year program schedule, including design and construction activities for all collection and transmission facilities within the 17-mile long service area.
- Developed estimated program costs, working directly with Village Finance Director; reported financials to USACE for grant funding, corresponded with USDA for Rural Development funding, and provided monthly reports (written and oral) to the Village staff and Council.
- Implemented an equipment procurement contract between the Village and the vacuum sewer manufacturer for the purpose of purchasing owner-furnished equipment for the program.
- Developed a Program Work Plan and a Design Standards Manual to serve as a guidance document for the completion of individual projects.
- Phased construction approach was used to minimize construction impacts on surrounding neighborhoods and commercial businesses.