Water Distribution System Modeling

Meg Roberts leads Hazen’s Distribution System Services and is an expert in distribution system master planning, water quality, and operational analyses.
Potable and Recycled Water Distribution System Modeling
Hazen has experience modeling hundreds of pressurized pipe networks. Modeling analyses for these systems include a variety of different projects such as master planning, water quality, operations, pump station and transmission main hydraulics, energy efficiency, fire flows, transients (surge), and pipeline and valve vulnerability and prioritization. Hazen also has expertise and equipment for field data collection for model calibration, as well as familiarity with multiple software packages including those commonly used by our clients: Bentley WaterGEMS, Innovyze InfoWater and InfoWorks WS, EPANET. Transient analysis software experience includes KYPIPE, Innovyze InfoSurge, and Bentley HAMMER.